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しかし、人口減少と低成長が困難な課題であるとしても、これからの自治体の政策と住民の活動、新たな知恵によって、住民の暮らしや地域経済をより良くすることは可能だと、確信しています。それには、 従来の延長線上をそのまま進むのでなく、自治体と住民が力を合わせ、新たな道を切り拓くことが必要です。

一つのカギが、再生可能エネルギーです。これまで地域外の化石資源に依存していたエネルギーを、 地域の再生可能資源に切り替えることで、地域内の資金循環が拡大します。それは、地域の所得と雇用を増加させるだけでなく、環境と地域に根差した持続可能なライフスタイルを発展させ、住民の暮らしの質を向上します。

環境省、長野県、イクレイ-持続可能性をめざす自治体協議会の共催による「地域再生可能エネルギー国際会議2017」は、そのための国内外の知恵を共有する場となりました。とりわけ、海外の自治体及び地域住民の知恵は、日本の自治体及び地域住民にとって、極めて有益でした。同様の課題に直面する自治体と住民が、国境を越えて、知恵を共有し、語り合うことができました。海外から参加していただ いたすべての方に、日本に住む参加者は、心から感謝しています。

「首長サミット」に集う日本の自治体の首長は、再生可能エネルギー100%地域を目指して、新たな取組と連携の行動開始を宣言します。「地域再生可能エネルギー国際会議2017」に集い、この決意に共鳴するすべての参加者の賛同と応援の下に、再生可能エネルギーを活用して、直面する課題を乗り越え、住民の暮らしを守り、地域経済を活発にします。そのために、国内外の自治体及び地域住民との交 流と協働を拡大します。



2017年9月8日 長野にて



We, the Mayors and Governors of Japanese cities and regions gathered at the Local Renewables Conference 2017 in Nagano on Friday 8 September 2017, are honored to hold the Local Renewables Conference in Japan for the rst time.

We recognize that Japanese local governments are facing an era of population decline and slow economic growth. The social systems developed in the past that assume population growth and high economic growth no longer apply to modern needs, the consequence of which could have profound impacts on people’s lives and local economies. With the Paris Agreement entering into force, the world has witnessed an important step towards the realization of a decarbonized society by the end of the century.

We are con dent that, while population decline and slow growth may be tough challenges, people’s lives and local economies can be improved with good local policies, citizen actions and new ideas. To make this a reality, local governments and citizens must work hand-in-hand towards a more sustainable future.

We believe that one of the key components to achieving this vision is renewable energy. Local economies will thrive by switching from imported, fossil fuel-based energy sources to more local sources of renewable energy. This will not only increase community income and local employment opportunities but will also improve quality of life by advancing a sustainable lifestyle that is rooted in the local environment and community.

Local Renewables Conference 2017, hosted by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, Nagano Prefecture, and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, served as an important forum to share both domestic and international knowledge to make a switch towards this new path. In particular, the experiences and knowledge shared by cities and regions from abroad were extremely valuable. Local governments and local citizens that face similar challenges were able to share their experiences and hold a dialogue beyond national borders. We, participants from Japan, express our sincere gratitude to all participants from abroad.

We, the Mayors and Governors of Japanese cities and regions gathered today at the “Local Leaders’ Summit,” declare to take new action and enhance cooperation towards achieving 100% renewable energy cities and regions. With the support of the participants attending the Local Renewables Conference 2017, we commit to utilizing local renewable energy to overcome the challenges that we face, protect the livelihoods of our residents, and improve local economies. To reach these goals, we will enhance our cooperation with local governments and local communities, both at home and abroad.

Furthermore, we hope that more local leaders, not only from Japan but also from Asia and around the globe, will join us in this endeavor by supporting this declaration.

With hopes that today will be marked as a day and forum that paved a pathway towards a new, bright future.

8 September 2017, Nagano, Japan